MANORfactured is a FUN, PEACEFUL and INTERACTIVE way, using clothing to help identify you to a place or region that has positively developed you to a pinnacle point in your life even if you were never born there or you have moved away.
Our strapline “Where You From?” was chosen to get you thinking where you associated your regional heritage.
In our trademark brand we are using Yellow to represents North London, Grey to represents East London, Blue to represents West London and Red represents South London, we have used this categorisation on some of our clothing as a FUN way to to subliminally help identify you to your region. Additionally we use the colour green (not on the trademark)to cover any Outer London regions that come under the capital.
Is your area famous for its architecture, musical influences, infamous characters, famous actors, manufactured products, cool people, popular schools and education facilities, fantastic opportunities, Sports clubs and players or is it just a place that has provided you and everybody around you an Amazing Memory?
We are all MANORfactured, regardless of who you are! We all came from a MANOR that has defined you some way, somehow! Say it loud and proud with our MANORfactured apparel.
Starting with London first and inspired by YOU! , we provide you an opportunity to share this information and become an AMBASSADOR of your MANOR.